This fine OPC ball cap is available for purchase at the General Assembly!
¿Cual es tu Historia?
¿Cual es tu Historia? is the Spanish translation of the tract What’s Your Story? It shares the good news of the gospel with men and women vainly anchoring their identity in a postmodern world. A unique feature of this 8-page tract is that it
directs readers to visit their local OP congregation.
These tracts are designed to be personal! We recommend using Avery Easy Peel Address Labels (#5260, size 1’’x 2 and 5/8’’) together with Avery’s downloadable template to share your church’s name and contact information on the tract’s back page. Tracts can also be personalized with a custom address stamp.
The cost is $10.00 for a packet of 100 ($0.10 per individual tract), discounted to $9.00 per packet for orders of 5 packets or more.
Child's Catechism of Scripture History
The Child’s Catechism of Scripture History
is not meant to replace Scripture memorization, rather it is an aid to
grasping the big picture, the flow of redemptive history. For children
raised and nurtured
in the covenant of grace, the history of redemption is our history:
covenant history, from Creation to Glory, all through Jesus Christ. A
good program of catechesis would be to begin with this
Child’s Catechism of Scripture History, followed by the First Catechism (available at GCP.ORG), then the
Shorter Catechism.
Baptismal Certificate
Download this free certificate as a PDF to customize for your local church use. Please do not add to cart, but use the link provided to download directly to your computer.
Tract Bundle
Written by Rev. Dr. Eric Watkins (Harvest OPC in San Marcos, California),
What is Truth?, What’s Your Story?, and Your Only Comfort share one evangelistic message with three different audiences. The first,
What is Truth?, addresses skeptics. The second tract, What’s Your Story?, is intended for narrative-driven postmoderns. The third tract,
Your Only Comfort, uses the wisdom of Heidelberg Catechism Q. #1 to share why Christ is the believer's surest hope.
These tracts are designed to
be personal! We recommend using Avery Easy Peel Address Labels (#5260,
size 1’’x 2 and 5/8’’) together with Avery’s downloadable template to
share your church’s name
and contact information on the tract’s back page. Tracts can also be
personalized with a custom address stamp.
The cost is $30.00 for a set of each packet of 100 ($0.10 per individual tract). CHMCE covers the cost of 1 bundle for
church plants. After this first bundle, CHMCE will cover up to 50% of
the cost for additional purchases by church plants.
Your Only Comfort
Your Only Comfort shares the good news of the gospel with men and women searching for hope. A unique feature of this 8-page tract is that it directs readers to visit their local OP
These tracts are designed to be personal! We recommend using Avery Easy Peel Address Labels (#5260, size 1’’x 2 and 5/8’’) together with Avery’s downloadable template to share your church’s name and contact information on the tract’s back page. Tracts can also be personalized with a custom address stamp.
The cost is $10.00 for a packet of 100 ($0.10 per individual tract), discounted to $9.00 per packet for orders of 5 packets or more.
What's Your Story?
What’s Your Story? shares the good news of the gospel with men and women vainly anchoring their identity in a postmodern world. A unique feature of this 8-page tract is that it
directs readers to visit their local OP congregation.
These tracts are designed to be personal! We recommend using Avery Easy Peel Address Labels (#5260, size 1’’x 2 and 5/8’’) together with Avery’s downloadable template to share your church’s name and contact information on the tract’s back page. Tracts can also be personalized with a custom address stamp.
The cost is $10.00 for a packet of 100 ($0.10 per individual tract), discounted to $9.00 per packet for orders of 5 packets or more.
What is Truth?
What is Truth? shares the good news of the gospel with anyone overwhelmed by life’s many questions. A unique feature of this 8-page tract is that it directs readers to visit their local OP congregation.
These tracts are designed to be personal! We recommend using Avery Easy Peel Address Labels (#5260, size 1’’x 2 and 5/8’’) together with Avery’s downloadable template to share your church’s name and contact information on the tract’s back page. Tracts can also be personalized with a custom address stamp.
The cost is $10.00 for a packet of 100 ($0.10 per individual tract), discounted to $9.00 per packet for orders of 5 packets or more.
The Book of Church Order 2020
The 2020 edition of the Book of Church Order of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. This contains the Form of Government, the Book of Discipline, and the Directory for Public Worship. It is also available to read online and as a free eBook.
ABCs of Presbyterianism
By Larry E. Wilson. The cost of this 34-page booklet is $1.25 per copy, and only $1.00 per copy for 10 or more copies.
The Inspiration of Scripture
By James W. Scott. The cost of this 24-page booklet is $1.00 per copy, and only $0.75 per copy for 10 or more copies.
Christ Proclaims a Better Way
Christ Proclaims a Better Way is a brief introduction to the gospel and the OPC. The cost is $10.00 for a packet of 100, discounted to $8.00 per packet for orders of ten packets or more. It is also available as a free PDF, in either high resolution (4.7 MB, printing quality) or medium resolution (1.6 MB, for reading on computers).
Why Christians Need Confessions
Why Christians Need Confessions by Carl Trueman. The cost is $0.75 for less than 10 copies, and only $0.50 for 10 or more copies.
Your Sabbath Destination
By Roger W. Schmurr. The cost is $1.00 for 1-9 copies, and only $0.75 for 10+ copies.
Why Join a Church?
By Mark Brown and Larry Wilson. The cost is $0.75 for less than 10 copies, and only $0.50 for 10 or more copies.
God or Mammon?
God or Mammon? An extended tract dealing with materialism by Tom Tomer. It is also available as a free eBook.
What is the Reformed Faith?
What Is the Reformed Faith? High Points of Calvinism. The cost is $1.50 for 1-24 copies, and only $1 for 25+ copies.
Also available as a free eBook.
Welcome to the OPC
Welcome to the OPC: A Primer on the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The cost is $1.00 per copy. Non-members can obtain a free copy by sending an e-mail request. It is available for free download as a PDF.
What is the OPC?
What Is the OPC? Basic Information About the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The cost is $1.00 per copy and only $0.75 for 10+ copies. Non-members can obtain a free copy by sending an e-mail request. It is also available as a free eBook.
Why Does the OPC Baptize Infants? By Larry Wilson
Larry Wilson, Why Does the OPC Baptize Infants? The cost is $1 for 1-9 copies and only $0.75 for 10+ copies. It is also available as a free eBook.
Helps for Worship by William Shishko
William Shishko, Helps for Worship. The cost is $1.50 for 1-24 copies and only $1 for 25+ copies. It is also available as a free eBook.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
The Work of the Holy Spirit by Richard B. Gaffin Jr. The cost is $1.25 for up to 9 copies, and only $1 each for 10+ copies. It is also available as a free eBook.
Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms with Proof Texts
The Westminster Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms with Proof Texts. Bound in the same size to match the 2015 Book of Church Order. It is also available to read online and as a free eBook.
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